AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 14 Figure 8: Geological map of the Sandiego-Onedin deposit KPF Source: AAR (Bateman, 2010). Note red line reflects the tenement holding in 2010, refer Figure 7 for 2021 tenement outline. Figure 8 is a geological map of the immediate area around the Sandiego and Onedin volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, showing the interpreted solid geology of the KPF subdivided into its members. The location of the deposits and some of the numerous base metal occurrences are shown including Atlantis, Earth Dam, Hanging Tree, Capricorn, Blue Heron, Dugong, Gosford and Rockhole. Recent broader scale mapping of the Koongie Park property by AAR in 2017 (Milner, 2018) divided the KPF into two informal units: lower and upper. The lower KPF as mapped consists of basalt, dolerite, interbedded graded sandstone and mudstone, mudstone, chert, ironstone and poorly sorted, lithic-rich pebbly sandstone facies. The interbedded graded sandstone and mudstone facies and mudstone facies dominate with isolated outcrops of chert. Locally, either mafic rocks or sediments may be dominant in the stratigraphic sequence: locally, tabular basalt is intercalated with rare beds of poorly sorted, lithic-rich pebbly sandstone. However, in other areas, small units of basalt are intercalated with interbedded graded sandstone and mudstone. The upper KPF as mapped consists of felsic volcanic units, carbonate, ironstone, chert, mudstone, quartz-bearing volcaniclastic beds and lithic sandstone. Currently known base metal prospects are concentrated in the upper KPF at Koongie Park (i.e. the trend which includes Sandiego and Onedin deposits). Low outcrop and sub-crop of metasediments are present across the property but separating the various silty to sandy and variably deformed and metamorphosed units has not readily produce mappable units, except at a very local scale. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 89
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