AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 15 The KPF hosts massive sulphide deposits at Sandiego and Onedin and is considered the most prospective geological unit on the property. Moola Bulla Formation The upper KPF is overlain in the south by the Moola Bulla Formation. Sediment deposited into the Moola Bulla Basin is interpreted as deposited in a fluvial and sandy braid-delta complex draining from a granite and metasedimentary source. Basal erosional contacts are present where the Moola Bulla Formation locally incises upper KPF chert, mudstone and sandstone. The Moola Bulla Formation outcrops in a refolded syn- form on the south-eastern side of the Highway Fault and as a narrow fault sliver further north on the north- western side of this fault. Sally Downs Supersuite The Sally Downs Supersuite forms a major component of the Halls Creek Orogen (Figure 6). In the field area, granitoid, massive gabbro, and mingled gabbro-granite outcrop in the southern half and north-eastern areas. Granitoid and gabbro plutons have intruded, and contact metamorphosed the KPF and are therefore younger than the KPF. Emull Gabbro The Emull Gabbro is a north to north-easterly trending, elongate intrusion about 15 km long x 7–8 km wide that outcrops on the Angelo and Dockrell map sheets. The unit comprises medium- to fine-grained, sub- ophitic and subhedral granular gabbro, xenocrystic quartz gabbro and tonalite. The tonalite typically forms irregular veins cutting the various gabbro types. Locally, some of the coarser grained gabbros have a weak layering. The unit has been metamorphically recrystallized, and consists of amphibole or green hornblende and plagioclase, with up to 5% reddish-brown biotite, minor interstitial quartz, and minor amounts of opaque minerals. Amphibole commonly contains cores of clinopyroxene and rare orthopyroxene, and locally plagioclase cores contain abundant secondary epidote. McIntosh Suite (and Lamboo Ultramafics) The McIntosh Suite is a group of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions that includes magnetite gabbro, magnetite gabbronorite, magnetite-olivine gabbro, olivine gabbro, leucogabbro, leucogabbro norite, anorthosite, olivine gabbronorite, gabbro, gabbronorite, peridotite and troctolite. Four informal units are present in the suite, including the Lamboo Ultramafics. The suite has an approximate age of between 1855 Ma and 1842 Ma. The McIntosh suite is exposed on the property in the Emull area, west of Nicolson’s Find. The Lamboo Ultramafics form a north to north-easterly trending elliptical intrusion about 6 km long and 2– 3 km wide. The ultramafic rocks are thought to have been intruded as sills into low- to medium-grade metamorphosed KPF. The intrusion was folded before being intruded by the Loadstone Monzogranite. Possible cumulate textures are present in resistant hills of folded Lamboo Ultramafics, although these are overprinted by later tectonic fabrics and may represent recrystallization textures. Strongly carbonate-bearing exposures of weathered ultramafics outcrop in creek beds. Carbonate is present in both the weathered rock matrix and as sharp-walled stockwork veining. Scattered exposures of basic to intermediate gabbro occur to the west of the Lamboo Ultramafics and metabasalt to the east. Kevin’s Dam Suite The Kevin’s Dam suite of felsic intrusive rocks include massive, medium-grained, even-textured and porphyritic biotite monzogranite with local mafic enclaves. The main two members of this suite occurring on the Koongie Park tenements are the Loadstone Monzogranite and Dillinger Monzogranite. Loadstone Monzogranite The Loadstone Monzogranite forms scattered outcrops, commonly covered in laterite. These occur across the southern portion of Lamboo Station, including Nicolson’s Find and Nicolson’s East target area. Exposure 6. Independent Technical Report continued 90
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