AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

1 AuKing Mining Limited ACN 070 859 522 ( Company ) Fourth Supplementary Prospectus Fourth Supplementary Prospectus to a Prospectus dated 31 May 2021 Important Information This is a fourth supplementary prospectus dated 31 May 2021 and lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ( ASIC ) on that date ( Fourth Supplementary Prospectus ). This Fourth Supplementary Prospectus supplements the prospectus dated 9 March 2021 ( Prospectus ), the First Supplementary Prospectus dated 19 March 2021 ( First Supplementary Prospectus ), the Second Supplementary Prospectus dated 23 April 2021 ( Second Supplementary Prospectus ) and the Third Supplementary Prospectus dated 4 May 2021 ( Third Supplementary Prospectus ) which were issued by AuKing Mining Limited ACN 070 859 522 ( Company ). ASIC, ASX Limited ( ASX ), and their officers take no responsibility as to the contents of this Fourth Supplementary Prospectus. This Fourth Supplementary Prospectus shall be read in its entirety together with the contents of the Prospectus, the First Supplementary Prospectus, the Second Supplementary Prospectus and the Third Supplementary Prospectus. If you are in any doubt as to the contents of this document, you should consult your professional advisers without delay. Other than as set out below, all details in relation to the Prospectus (as supplemented by the First Supplementary Prospectus, the Second Supplementary Prospectus and the Third Supplementary Prospectus) remain unchanged. Terms used in this Fourth Supplementary Prospectus shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in the Prospectus, the First Supplementary Prospectus, the Second Supplementary Prospectus and the Third Supplementary Prospectus. To the extent of any inconsistency between this Fourth Supplementary Prospectus, the Third Supplementary Prospectus, the Second Supplementary Prospectus, the First Supplementary Prospectus and the Prospectus, the provisions of this Fourth Supplementary Prospectus will prevail. The Company has issued an electronic version of this Fourth Supplementary Prospectus, the Third Supplementary Prospectus, the Second Supplementary Prospectus, the First Supplementary Prospectus and the Prospectus. Electronic versions of each may be accessed at 1. Changes to Closing Date 1.1 Background The Indicative Timetable included in the Prospectus (as varied by the Second Supplementary Prospectus) noted that the Company intended to close the Public Offer on 31 May 2021 and issue the Offer Securities under the Prospectus on 1 June 2021. On 27 May 2021, the Company received a ‘Decision for Reinstatement’ from ASX which sets out the conditions the Company must satisfy in order for the Company’s securities to be reinstated to official quotation ( Conditional Admission Letter ). One of the conditions in the Conditional Admission Letter is the provision to ASX of an independent report, in a form satisfactory to ASX, opining on the prospectivity of the potential application of the AmmLeach