AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 39 6 References Amann, W. 2014. Koongie Geophysics. Memorandum to John Jones AAR from Newexco Services Pty Ltd, dated 30 April 2014 Memo No: NX21070. Ammtec, 2007, Metallurgical testing conducted upon samples from Koongie Park base metals project, Ammtec Ltd. Barrie, C.T., and Hannington, M.D. 1999. Introduction: Classification of VMS deposits based on host rock composition, in Barrie, C.T., and Hannington, M.D., eds., Volcanic‐Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits: Processes and Examples in Modern and Ancient Settings: Reviews in Economic Geology, v. 8, p. 2‐10 Beard, J.S. 1979, The vegetation of the Kimberley area: Vegetation Survey of Western Australia, 1: 1 000 000 Vegetation Series, Explanatory Notes to Sheet 1: Perth University of Western Australia Press, 118p. Berg, R. 2002, Koongie Park Project: Anglo Australian Resources Nl Information Memorandum September 2002. Unpublished internal document. Anglo Australian Resources NL, Perth. 29 p. Blake, D.H., Griffin, T.J., Tyler, I.M., Thorne, A.M., and Warren, R.G. 1999a. Halls Creek, WA Sheet 4461: Australian Geological Survey Organisation, 1:100 000 Geological Series. Blake, D.H., Tyler, I.M., Griffin, T.J., Sheppard, S., Thorne, A.M., and Warren, R.G. 1999b. Geology of the Halls Creek 1:100 000 Sheet area (4461), Western Australia: Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Explanatory Notes, 36p Chellew, J. 2020. Combined Annual Report for Koongie Park for the Period 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 Anglo Australian Resources NL, 30 March 2020 to DMIRS. Craven, B. 2004. Koongie Park ‐ Compilation and Evaluation. Memo by Southern Geoscience Consultants to AAR, dated 9 August 2004, p8. Dempers, G., and Seymour, C. 2011. Koongie Park Project Sandiego Prospect Geotechnical Evaluation Draft Report dated February 2011 by Dempers & Seymour Pty Ltd Geotechnical and Mining Consultants. Eishenlohr, B. 1984. Koongie Park Project. Onedin‐Sandiego. SE52‐10 Gordon Downs. Report for Asarco (Australia) Pty Ltd. Elliott, R., Wholley, D., and Dorling, S. 2006. Koongie Park Project (July‐October 2006) Geological interpretation of the Sandiego and Onedin Prospects; Report No. 101.2007 by CSA Global Pty Ltd to Anglo Australian Resources NL; dated 7 Dec 2006. Gemuts, I., and Smith, J.W. (compilers), 1968. Gordon Downs, Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia, 1:250 000 Geological Series Explanatory Notes, 23p. Griffin, T.J., Tyler, I.M., Orth, K., and Sheppard, S. 1998. Geology of the Angelo 1:100 000 sheet: Geological Survey of Western Australia, 1:100 000 Geological Series Explanatory Notes, 27p. Hassan, L.Y. 2004, Mineral occurrences and exploration potential of the West Kimberley: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Report data package 88. Hoatson, D.M. (2000): Exploration strategies for Precambrian layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley. Geoscience Australia report.‐ gateway/metadata/record/90545/ Hunt, D.P., and Craven, B.L. 2007 Koongie Park Project: DHTEM Surveys 1996‐2006. SGC Report 1689 for Anglo Australian Resources NL, January 2007. Komyshan, P. 2010, Koongie: A Copper Zinc Project in the Making. Information and Update Brochure, Nov 2010. Unpublished internal document. Anglo Australian Resources NL. 13 p. Komyshan, P. 2011, Koongie: A Copper Zinc Project in the Making. Information and Update Brochure, April 2011. Unpublished internal document. Anglo Australian Resources NL. 13 p. Mattinson, P.G. 2003. Koongie Park Project. Polymetallic VMS Copper‐Lead‐Zinc‐Silver‐Gold Deposit. Information Memorandum. Unpublished internal document. Anglo Australian Resources NL. 40 p. Milner, S. 2018. Annual Report for C166/2006 Koongie Park for the Period 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 Anglo Australian Resources NL; 19 March 2018 to DMIRS. 6. Independent Technical Report continued 114