AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 40 Nejman, L. 2008. Results of Archaeological Site Avoidance Survey of Mining Leases M80/276 and M80/277 at Koongie Park WA, for Anglo Australian Resources by Consultant Archaeologist Ladislav Nejman, 11 February 2008. O’Brien, N. 2009. Review of process development on Sandiego and Onedin ore bodies For Anglo Australian Resources, report dated 12 October 2009. O’Brien, N. 2010. Koongie Park Project Development – Current Status, internal memorandum Anglo Australian Resources, dated 13 August 2010. Occhipinti, S.A., Metelka, V., Lindsay, M.D., Hollis, J.A., Aitken, A.R., Sheppard, S., Orth, K., Tyler, I.M., Hutchinson, M., and Miller, J.M. 2016. Prospectivity analysis of the Halls Creek Orogen, northern Western Australia — using a Mineral Systems Approach: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Report 159, 51p. Orth, K. 1997. Notes on the geology of the Koongie Park Formation southwest of Halls Creek, Western Australia (1997 edition): Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Record 25, p. 1–18 Orth, K. 2002. Setting of the Palaeoproterozoic Koongie Park Formation and carbonate-associated base metal mineralisation, at Koongie Park, northwestern Australia (Doctoral dissertation, University of Tasmania). Phillips, C., Orth, K., Hollis, J.A., Kirkland, C.L., Bodorkos, S., Kemp, A.I.S., Wingate, M.T.D., Lu, Y., Iaccheri, L., and Page, R.W. 2016. Geology of the Eastern Zone of the Lamboo Province, Halls Creek Orogen, Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Report 164, 57p. Roberts, H.G., Halligan, R., and Playford, P.E. (compilers) 1968, Mount Ramsay, Western Australia: Geological Survey of Western Australia, 1:250 000 Geological Series Explanatory Notes, 24p Slater, D., and Hastings, N. 2010. Geology Resource and Mining Review Koongie Park Project for Anglo Australian Resources NL, technical report by Coffey Mining dated 5 March 2010. Slater, D. 2010. Sandiego Resource Estimation Study. for Anglo Australian Resources NL, technical report by Coffey Mining dated 26 October 2010. Speyers, G.J. 2009 Koongie Park Project: Geophysical Review and modelling. SGC Report 1984 for Anglo Australian Resources NL. November 2009. Speyers, G.J. 2009 Koongie Park Project: Downhole TEM Interpretation. SGC Report 1878 for Anglo Australian Resources NL. January 2009. Spicer, N. 2011. Sandiego Scoping Study Koongie Park Sandiego Base Metals Project for Anglo Australian Resources by Minesure Pty Ltd, report dated February 2011. MS_AAR_SS_PR001 Sugden, S. 2007. Stream Sediment Geochemical Review of the Red Billabong Project for Northern Star Resources Limited. PowerPoint report by IO Global dated Feb 2007. Tyler, I.M., Hocking, R.M., and Haines, P.W. 2012, Geological evolution of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Episodes Vol. 35, no. 1. p.298-306. Ward, B. 2017, Report on Compilation of Historical Data: Koongie Park Area of Interest, Halls Creek Western; internal report to AAR. in Milner, 2018. Wholley, D. 2007. Koongie Park – A New Look at an Old Discovery; PowerPoint presentation by CSA Global Pty Ltd. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 115