AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 41 7 Glossary Below are brief descriptions of some terms used in this report. For further information or for terms that are not described here, please refer to internet sources such as Wikipedia ( . aeromagnetic A survey undertaken by helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft for the purpose of recording magnetic characteristics of rocks by measuring deviations of the Earth’s magnetic field. anomaly An area where exploration has revealed results higher than the local background level. assay The testing and quantification metals of interest within a sample. carbonate Rock or mineral dominated by the carbonate ion (CO 2−3 ), of sedimentary or hydrothermal origin, composed primarily of calcium, magnesium or iron and carbon and oxygen. Essential component of limestones and marbles. craton An old and stable part of the continental lithosphere. diamond drilling Drilling method employing a (industrial) diamond encrusted drill bit for retrieving a cylindrical core of rock. domain Geological zone of rock with similar geostatistical properties; typically a zone of mineralisation. dyke A tabular body of intrusive igneous rock, crosscutting the host strata at a high angle. fault A wide zone of structural dislocation and faulting. geochemical survey Exploration methods involving sampling regolith materials and analysing for trace element concentrations of metals and pathfinder elements. geophysical survey Exploration methods involving the remote detection of geological structures and mineral deposits by physical measurements of forces or fields (e.g. magnetic, gravity, electrical). granite A coarse-grained igneous rock containing mainly quartz, feldspars and micas. ground magnetic Geophysical survey method using a hand-held magnetometer to record the strength of the earth’s magnetic field usually along a grid. intrusive Any igneous rock formed by intrusion and cooling of hot liquid rock below the earth’s surface. lithology The description of a rock unit’s physical characteristics visible in hand or core samples, such as colour texture grain-size and composition. lode A deposit of metalliferous ore formed in a fissure or vein. mafic Igneous rock composed dominantly of dark coloured minerals such as amphibole pyroxene and olivine, generally rich in magnesium and iron. magnetite Iron oxide mineral with chemical formula Fe 3 O 4 , hard, dense, black to grey, noted for ferrimagnetic properties – can be magnetised to become a magnet. magnetic anomaly Zone where the magnitude and orientation of the earth's magnetic field differs from adjacent areas, typically caused by magnetic properties of basement rocks. metamorphic A rock that has been altered by metamorphism from a pre-existing igneous or sedimentary rock type. Monzogranite Biotite granite rocks that are considered to be the final fractionation product of magma. outcrop A visible exposure of bedrock or ancient superficial deposits on the surface of the Earth. porphyritic Igneous rock texture in which large crystals (phenocrysts) are set in finer ground mass. Proterozoic The second oldest Eon (geologic time period), pertaining to rocks older than 541 Ma (million years) and younger than about 2,500 Ma. 6. Independent Technical Report continued 116