AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 43 8 Abbreviations °C degrees Celsius 3D three-dimensional A$ Australian dollars AAR Anglo Australian Resources NL AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy Ag silver AIG Australian Institute of Geoscientists ASX Australian Securities Exchange ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission Au gold AuKing AuKing Mining Limited AusIMM Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy BOCO base of complete oxidation cm centimetre(s) Cr chromium CSA Global CSA Global Pty Ltd Cu copper D&S Dempers and Seymour DHEM downhole electromagnetic (geophysical survey) DMIRS Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (WA) EM Electromagnetic (geophysical survey) Ga billion years ago GSWA Geological Survey of Western Australia g/t grams per tonne ha hectare(s) IDS inverse distance squared IP induced polarisation (geophysical survey) ITAR Independent Technical Assessment Report JORC Joint Ore Reserves Committee JORC Code 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves JV joint venture k thousand(s) km kilometre(s) km 2 square kilometre(s) KPF Koongie Park Formation kt thousand tonnes L litre Lachlan Lachlan Resources M million(s) Ma million years ago MAIG Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists MAusIMM Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy METS METS Engineering Group 6. Independent Technical Report continued 118