AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 Appendix B JORC Code Table 1 – Sandiego Deposit Mineral Resource Estimates Section 1: Sampling Techniques and Data (Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections) Criteria Commentary Sampling techniques NQ diamond core samples were half cored prior to submission to the analytical laboratory. Reverse circulation (RC) drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples, which were reduced in size to produce a sample of approximately 1–2 kg in weight, which were ticketed prior to dispatch to the analytical laboratory. No further discussions surrounding RC drilling were documented by the previous operators of the Koongie Park project. It is assumed RC drilling and sampling were carried out in accordance with industry standards at the time of drilling. The Competent Person considers the diamond core and RC sampling methods to be appropriate for the style of mineralisation. Drilling techniques Drilling conducted at Sandiego is as per the table below. Diamond drillholes are either HQ or NQ diameter. HQ holes were used for metallurgical testwork and NQ holes were used to support the Mineral Resource estimate. The percussion drillholes are shallow holes and do not penetrate the mineralisation envelopes. 62 diamond and RC holes have been drilled since 2008, the remaining holes during 1995–1996 at a time with no date of drilling recorded. The Competent Person considers the diamond core and RC drilling techniques to be appropriate for the style of mineralisation. Hole type No. of holes Drill metres Diamond 29 6,802.4 RC with diamond tail 37 11,528 RC 50 7,198 Percussion 5 321 Total 121 25,849.4 Drill sample recovery No documentation has been located regarding sample recoveries for the RC drilling. Diamond core recovery was generally excellent. With high recovery, the relationship between recovery and grade was not an issue. The Competent Person considers the level of sample recoveries to be appropriate for supporting the Mineral Resource estimate. Logging It is assumed by the Competent Person that RC chip samples were geologically logged to a level of detail sufficient to support the Mineral Resource estimate. All diamond drill core sampled up to 2006 was relogged by a single, experienced geologist to ensure consistency in the geological logging. The same geological logging template was used for subsequent diamond drilling up until the preparation of the 2009 Mineral Resource estimate. Photographs of all core were taken. The Competent Person considers the geological logging procedures to be appropriate for the style of mineralisation. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 129