AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

A U K ING M INING L IMITED I NDEPENDENT T ECHNICAL A SSESSMENT R EPORT – W ESTERN A USTRALIAN M INERAL A SSETS CSA Global Report Nº R278.2020 Criteria Commentary The final classification strategy and results appropriately reflect the Competent Person’s view of the deposit. Audits or reviews The Mineral Resource estimate was peer reviewed in 2010 by Coffey as part of their internal procedures. The Mineral Resource was reviewed by CSA Global in 2020 for the purposes of reporting to support this Technical Assessment. All original (2010) model files were available for review with the exception of the block model. CSA Global constructed a new block model, carried out basic statistical assessment of the data, interpolated grades into the block model and classified the Mineral Resource. All estimation parameters as documented by Coffey were used, including variogram models and sample search parameters. All efforts were made by CSA Global to honour Coffey’s modelling and grade interpolation approach, although some ambiguity in the Coffey report (2010) required CSA Global to exercise several judgement calls during the process. CSA Global’s model reports within 10% of the tonnage and grades as reported by Coffey. Therefore, the Competent Person felt comfortable with continuing to report the 2010 Mineral Resource estimate. No other audits or reviews are known to have occurred since 2010. Discussion of relative accuracy/confidence Relevant tonnages and grade above nominated cut-off grades for copper and zinc are provided in this report. Tonnages were calculated by filtering all blocks above the cut-off grade and sub-setting the resultant data into bins by mineralisation domain. The volumes of all the collated blocks were multiplied by the dry density value to derive the tonnages. The Mineral Resource is a local estimate, whereby the drillhole data was geologically domained above nominated cut-off grades. The Mineral Resource does not provide a calculated tonnage and grade, rather it provides the reader with estimated “median” values about which can be inferred a range based upon the resource classification. The Indicated volumes are interpreted to have a tighter range of tonnage and grade than the Inferred Resource volumes. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 137