AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

AuKing Mining Limited Solicitor’s Report on Tenements HopgoodGanim Lawyers Page 9 of 46 Tenements overlap C Class Reserves (now classified as “other” reserves under the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA) ( LAA )) and hence will require ministerial consent. 3.40 A File Notation Area (such as File Notation Area 14196 affecting E80/5127) indicates that there is a proposed land transaction, alienation from the Crown, or other proposed change in land use in the FNA. Following the proposed land transaction or change in land use, there may be additional restrictions on the use of the land for exploration or mining activities. We were advised by DMIRS that File Notation Area 14196 affecting E80/5127 is linked to the consideration of land tenure options to address the historical issue of existing Aboriginal camps on the land that are not currently associated with any land tenure rights. Pastoral Leases 3.41 The Tenements overlap various pastoral leases as set out in the table below. Tenements Pastoral Leases 1. E80/4389 E80/4766 E80/4957 E80/5076 E80/5087 E80/4960 E80/5263 Pastoral Lease N049432 (Lamboo) 2. E80/4766 E80/4960 E80/5127 M80/276 M80/277 P80/1803 P80/1802 Pastoral Lease N049860 (Koongie Park) 3. E80/4960 E80/5127 Pastoral Lease N050141 (Moola Bulla) 4. E80/5127 Pastoral Lease N049650 (Burks Park) 3.42 Paragraphs 5.1 to 5.5 set out the limitations on exploration and mining on pastoral leases. 3.43 We have not been provided with any pastoral access agreements relating to the Tenements. Native Title Native Title Overlaps 3.44 The Quick Appraisals and NNTT searches indicate that there are three native title determinations overlapping various Tenements as follows: (a) The Jaru determination of native title in Sturt on behalf of the Jaru Native Title Claim v State of Western Australia [2018] FCA 1923 (WAD 45 of 2012) ( Jaru Determination ); (b) Ngarrawanji native title determination in Farrer on behalf of the Ngarrawanji Native Title Claim Group v State of Western Australia [2019] FCA 655 ( Ngarrawanji Part A Determination ); and (c) Ngarrawanji native title determination in Farrer on behalf of the Ngarrawanji Native Title Claim Group v State of Western Australia [2020] FCA 929( Ngarrawanji Part B Determination ). continued 9. S olicitor’s Report on Koongie Park Tenements 164