AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

AuKing Mining Limited Solicitor’s Report on Tenements HopgoodGanim Lawyers Page 10 of 46 3.45 The Quick Appraisals and NNTT searches indicate that there are three registered native title claims overlapping various Tenements as follows: Jaru Native Title Claim WC2012/003, Koongie-Elvire Native Title Claim WC1999/040 and Ngarrawanji WC1996/075. The Quick Appraisals and NNTT searches indicate that there are two unregistered native title claims overlapping various Tenements as follows: Ngarrawanji #2 WC2019/012 and Ngarrawanji #3 Yarlil Native Title Claim WC2021/002. Jaru Determination 3.46 The Search of the NNTT register indicates that a Native Title claim was filed by the Jaru people on 15 February 2012 over land which overlaps: (a) 100% of E80/4389, E80/4957, E80/5076, E80/5087 and E80/5263; (b) 66.54% of E80/4766; (c) 36.02% of E80/4960; and (d) 0.15% of E80/5127. 3.47 On 16 March 2012, the NNTT accepted the claim for registration. 3.48 On 6 December 2018, the Jaru Native Title claim was the subject of the Jaru Determination which was made by consent and recognised that the Jaru People hold non-exclusive native title rights and interests over some parts of the determination area and exclusive native title rights and interests over some parts of the determination area. 3.49 We note that pursuant to the Jaru Determination part of the Jaru Native Title Claim was also dismissed (being the area the subject of Reserve 28538, which does not overlap any of the Tenements) and that pursuant to s 190(4)(e) of the NT Act the application remains on the Register of Native Title Claims only to the extent that it relates to the undetermined area, being Reserve 18124. 3.50 Based on our review of the Jaru Determination, all of the above tenements partially overlap areas where exclusive native title rights and interests have been determined to exist. Koongie-Elvire Native Title Claim WC1999/040 3.51 The Search of the NNTT register indicates that a Native Title claim was filed by the Koongie- Elvire people on 23 September 1999 over land which overlaps: (a) 100% of M80/276, M80/277, P80/1802, P80/1803; (b) 65.62% of E80/5127; (c) 45.39% of E80/4960; and (d) 33.46% of E80/4766. 3.52 On 15 November, the NNTT accepted the claim for registration. 3.53 M80/276 and M80/277 were granted before registration of the Koongie-Elvire Native Title Claim WC1999/040 and thus were not subject to the future act provisions under the NT Act at the time of their grant. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 165