AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
AuKing Mining Limited Solicitor’s Report on Tenements HopgoodGanim Lawyers Page 22 of 46 4.63 DMIRS also retains the discretion to impose bonds in addition to the MRF on a case by case basis. There are some bonds on certain projects in Western Australia. DMIRS will generally impose a bond in addition to MRF where they consider there is “high risk of rehabilitation liability reverting to the state”. Conditions and Programmes of Work Standard Conditions 4.64 The Mining Act provides that exploration licences, prospecting licences and mining leases are held subject to standard conditions and any specific conditions that may be imposed by the Minister. Standard conditions concern issues such as tenement reporting, reporting economic discoveries, not using ground disturbing equipment without an approved work programme, rehabilitating the land and removing waste and rubbish. The specific conditions are mainly concerned with the holders not accessing certain Crown reserves or sites without the permission of the responsible Minister. 4.65 Sections 46 and 63 of the Mining Act provide that all exploration licences and prospecting licences are granted with certain deemed or standard conditions. These standard conditions include that the holder will explore or prospect (whichever is applicable) for minerals and: (a) will promptly submit a tenement report in writing to the Minister on all minerals of economic interest discovered in, on or under the land the subject of the exploration licence or prospecting licence; and (b) will not use ground disturbing equipment when exploring for minerals on the land the subject of the exploration licence or prospecting licence unless — (1) the holder has lodged in the prescribed manner a programme of work in respect of that use; and (2) the holder has paid the prescribed assessment fee in respect of the programme of work; and (3) the programme of work has been approved in writing by the Minister or a prescribed official; and (c) will fill in or otherwise make safe to the satisfaction of a prescribed official all holes, pits, trenches and other disturbances to the surface of the land the subject of the exploration licence or prospecting licence which are — (1) made while exploring for minerals; and (2) in the opinion of the prescribed official, likely to endanger the safety of any person or animal; and (d) will take all necessary steps to prevent fire, damage to trees or other property and to prevent damage to any property or damage to livestock by the presence of dogs, the discharge of firearms, the use of vehicles or otherwise. 4.66 Sections 63AA and 46A of the Mining Act also provide that ‘reasonable conditions’ may also be attached to an exploration licence or prospecting licence in respect of preventing, reducing or making good injury to the land for which the licence is sought or was granted, or injury to anything on the surface or below the land or consequential damage to any other land. 4.67 Section 82 of the Mining Act provides that mining leases are granted with certain deemed or standard conditions. These standard conditions include that the holder shall: AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 177
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