AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

AuKing Mining Limited Solicitor’s Report on Tenements HopgoodGanim Lawyers Page 33 of 46 (l) that the native title procedures set out in the Mining Act of NT Act were complied with in respect to either the grant or renewal of any of the Tenements; and (m) that we have not made enquiries as to the presence of Aboriginal sites, objects or remains in the Tenements, other than the Searches, and we have not made enquiries about the presence or adequacy of previous surveys. 9.2 No other matters form part of the scope of this Solicitor’s Report. We have not been instructed as part of the scope of this Solicitor’s Report to, nor have we, concerned ourselves with business or financial due diligence or an assessment of business, financial, technical or regulatory risks (apart from those regulatory risks necessarily falling within the scope). 9.3 We have not been instructed as part of the scope of this Solicitor’s Report to, nor have we, conducted searches of: (a) the AHIS maintained by the DPLH for unregistered “Other Heritage Places” overlapping the Tenements or made enquiries about the presence or adequacy of previous Aboriginal heritage surveys; or (b) any contaminated sites or environmental approvals or conditions in respect of the Tenements. 9.4 We have not been instructed as part of the scope of this Solicitor’s Report to determine the application of safety or environmental legislation that may be relevant to the Tenements and the Company. 9.5 Where we state in this Solicitor’s Report that ‘we have been instructed’ or ‘we are advised’, this indicates that we have relied on statements (whether written or oral) provided by the Company, employees of the Company or a relevant Government department, respectively. We are unable to verify the accuracy of these statements as this verification is outside the scope of this Solicitor’s Report. We also noted where we have made assumptions and the basis for that assumption. 9.6 Where laws are mentioned, the Solicitor’s Report does not purport to mention every requirement in respect of the relevant law and items listed after the word ‘including’ in many cases are not an exhaustive list. Accordingly, specific legal advice should be obtained for specific questions about individual laws. 10. Consent 10.1 This report is given solely for the benefit of the Company and the directors of the Company in connection with the issue of the Prospectus. This report is not to be relied upon by, or disclosed to, any other person or used for any other purposes or quoted or referred to in any public document (other than in connection with the issue of the Prospectus) or filed with any Government body or other person (other than in connection with the Prospectus) without our prior written consent. Yours faithfully _________________________ HopgoodGanim Lawyers continued 9. S olicitor’s Report on Koongie Park Tenements 188