AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

HopgoodGanim Lawyers Page 46 of 46 of 15 metres from the natural surface. 11. M80/276 M80/277 • No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the State Mining Engineer for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained. • No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the Director, Environment, for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained. 12. M80/277 • Unless the written approval of the District Mining Engineer, Department of Mines, is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface clearing or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations. • The rights of ingress to and egress from any mining operation being at all times preserved to the authorised officers of the Water Authority, for inspection purposes. • Such further conditions concerning the pollution of or interference with the natural water courses as the Minister for Mines may from time to time determine. 13. M80/277 • Mining on any road or road reserve being confined to below a depth of 15 metres from the natural surface. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 201