AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

Principle number Best practice recommendation Compliance (yes/no) Explanation 2.5 The chair of the Board should be an independent director and, in particular, should not be the same person as the CEO. Yes Dr Mark Elliott is an independent director and is not the CEO of the Company. 2.6 Have a program for inducting new directors and provide appropriate professional development opportunities for directors to develop and maintain the skills and knowledge needed to perform their role as directors effectively. Partially Under the Company’s Board Charter, all new Directors are given a thorough briefing by the Chairperson and/or Secretary on key Board issues and provided with appropriate background documentation, including the Company’s financial, strategic, operational and risk management position, their rights, duties and responsibilities, and the role of the Board the Board committees. The Board will periodically review whether there is a need for existing Directors to undertake professional development to develop and maintain the skills and knowledge needed to perform their roles as Directors effectively 3 Act ethically and responsibly 3.1 A listed entity should articulate and disclose its values. Yes The Company’s Board Charter and Code of Conduct articulates and discloses its values. The Company’s Board Charter and Code of Conduct is available on the Company Website. 3.2 A listed entity should: a. have and disclose a code of conduct for its Directors, senior executives and employees; and b. ensure that the Board or a committee of the Board is informed of any material breaches of that code. Yes The Company has a Code of Conduct that sets out the standards of behaviour expected of all its employees, Directors, officers, contractors and consultants. The Code of Conduct is available on the Company Website. Any breach of compliance with the Code of Conduct is to be reported directly to the chief executive officer, managing director or Chairperson as appropriate. 3.3 A listed entity should: a. have and disclose a Whistleblower Policy; and b. ensure that the Board or a committee of the Board is informed of any material incidents reported under that policy. Yes The Company has a Whistleblower Policy available on the Company Website. Any material incidents reported under that policy are reported to the Board. 3.4 A listed entity should: a. have and disclose an anti- bribery and corruption policy; and b. ensure that the Board or a committee of the Board is informed of any material breaches of that policy. Yes The Company has an Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy available on the Company Website. Any material incidents reported under that policy are reported to the Board. Under the Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy, all Company Personnel must report any actual or suspected improper conduct or other violation of this Policy to the relevant person identified in this Policy, being the Board or the Company Secretary. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 221