AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
Principle number Best practice recommendation Compliance (yes/no) Explanation 4.2 The Board should, before it approves the entity’s financial statements for a financial period, receive from its CEO and CFO a declaration that, in their opinion, the financial records of the entity have been properly maintained and that the financial statements comply with the appropriate accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the entity and that the opinion has been formed on the basis of a sound system of risk management and internal control which is operating effectively. Yes The Board is to receive a declaration in the form set out in Recommendation 4.2 from its CEO and Chief Financial Officer in relation to the financial statements. 4.3 A listed entity should disclose its process to verify the integrity of any periodic corporate report it releases to the market that is not audited or reviewed by an external auditor. Yes The Company ensures that any periodic corporate report it releases to the market that is not audited or reviewed by an external auditor undergoes review by the Reporting Group (being the Directors, CEO, CFO and Company Secretary). The Reporting Group is responsible for reviewing, assessing and recommending release to the Board for all financial statements and reports which are required to be publicly released. The review should include a discussion with management and the external auditors of accounting issues and board policies. 5 Make timely and balanced disclosure 5.1 A listed entity should have and disclose a written policy for complying with its continuous disclosure obligations under ASX Listing Rule 3.1. Yes The Company has a Continuous Disclosure and Communications Policy that outlines the processes to be followed by the Company to ensure compliance with its continuous disclosure obligations and the corporate governance standards applied by the Company in its communications to the market. The Continuous Disclosure and Communications Policy is available on the Company Website. 5.2 A listed entity should ensure that its Board receives copies of all material market announcements promptly after they have been made. Yes Under the Company’s Board Charter, the Board is responsible for overseeing the continuous disclosure process to ensure timely and balanced disclosures and ensuring that the Company has an effective process for communicating with shareholders, other stakeholders and the public. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 223
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