AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

In addition, the following parties have agreed to enter voluntary restriction agreements with the Company the terms of which materially reflect those imposed by the ASX and the Listing Rules, in that they will be precluded from disposing of or otherwise dealing with any of those securities or an interest in those securities or agreeing to dispose of those securities or an interest in those securities, for the relevant voluntary restriction periods. Shareholder (inc Associates) Number of Shares Period of Restriction JCHX 7,500,000 24 months from the date of Quotation of the Offer Shares Dr Huaisheng Peng 420,000 Mr Qinghai Wang 350,000 Mr Paul Williams 1,114,445 Mr Robert Yang 635,485 Total 10,019,930 Based on the above information the Company expects up to: a. 13.95% of the Company’s Shares will be subject to ASX-imposed escrow (which will include some of the Shares subject to voluntary escrow); and b. an additional 10.85% of the Company’s Shares (that are not subject to ASX-imposed escrow) will be subject to voluntary escrow, for up to 24 months from Re-admission Date. 13.8 Details of Company group entities The entities within the AKN group of companies as at the date of this Prospectus are as follows: Controlled entities Country of incorporation Interest held AKN (Koongie Park) Pty Ltd 1 Australia 100% Note : 1. This entity will be the primary participant in the Koongie Park Earn-In on behalf of AKN. 13.9 Taxation implications of the Public Offer It is the responsibility of all Applicants to satisfy themselves of the particular taxation treatment that applies to them in relation to the Public Offer, by consulting their own professional tax advisers. Neither the Company nor any of its Directors or officers accept any liability or responsibility in respect of the taxation consequences of the matters referred to above. 13.10 Litigation Legal proceedings may arise from time to time in the course of the Company’s business. As of the date of this Prospectus, the Company is not involved in any material litigation or arbitration proceedings, nor, so far as the Directors are aware, are any such proceedings pending or threatened against the Company. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 245