AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
15. Glossary of Defined Terms AAR Anglo Australian Resources NL ACN 009 159 077. Accudo Accudo Metals Pty Ltd ACN 612 323 832. Advisors any corporate advisors, brokers or underwriters to the Public Offer. Ag Chemical symbol for silver. Applicants a person applying for the securities offered by this Prospectus. Application an application to apply for securities offered by this Prospectus. Application Form the application form attached to or accompanying this Prospectus for use by investors in respect of the Public Offer. Application Monies the Offer Price multiplied by the number of Offer Shares applied for. Approval Resolutions each of Resolutions 1 to 24 (inclusive) in the Notice of Meeting, a summary of which are set out in sections 1 and 3.9 of this Prospectus. ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission. ASX ASX Limited ABN 98 008 624 691. ASX Settlement Operating Rules the operating rules of ASX Settlement which apply while the Company is an issuer of CHESS-approved securities, each as amended or replaced from time to time. ASX Spread Requirements The requirement set out in Listing Rule 1.1 Condition 8 relating to the number of shareholders required with a minimum holding of Shares. Au Chemical symbol for gold. Board the board of Directors of the Company from time to time. CHESS Clearing House Electronic Sub-registry System operated by ASX. Chinalco means Aluminium Corporation of China. Closing Date 23 April 2021 (subject to the right of the Directors to close the Public Offer earlier or to extend this date without notice). Completion completion by the Company of the KP Transaction Conditions which will result in AKN earning an initial 25% interest in the Joint Venture. Company or AuKing or AKN AuKing Mining Limited ACN 070 859 522. Conditional Approval conditional approval from the ASX confirming that, subject to Completion of the KP Transaction and any other conditions acceptable to the Company, the equity securities of the Company will be re-admitted to Official Quotation. Constitution the Constitution of the Company. Corporations Act the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). CSA Global means CSA Global Pty Ltd. Cu Chemical symbol for copper. Directors the Directors of the Company from time to time. Existing Constitution the constitution of the Company as at the date of this Prospectus. Existing Directors The Directors as at the date of this Prospectus, namely: – Dr Huaisheng Peng; – Paul Williams – Robert Yang; and – Qinghai Wang. Existing Shareholders all holders of Shares in the Company at the date of this Prospectus. FIRB Foreign Investment Review Board AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 253
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