AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

Long Term Convertible Note Shares the Shares to be issued on conversion of the Long Term Convertible Notes, subject to Shareholder approval at the General Meeting. Management the management team of the Company from time to time. Maximum Subscription the maximum amount to be raised under the Public Offer, namely $7,000,000. Minimum Subscription the minimum amount to be raised under the Public Offer, namely $6,000,000. New Constitution the new constitution to become effective after proposed changes to the Constitution to be adopted by the Company at the General Meeting. New Share an Offer Share. Notice of Meeting the notice of meeting and explanatory memorandum expected to be dated on our about 18 March 2021, to convene the General Meeting. Offer Options the free-attaching options to subscribe for Shares exercisable at $0.25 on or before 30 June 2023 to be issued on the basis of one (1) Offer Option for every two (2) Shares issued under the Offer. Offer Period means the period of time between the Opening Date and the Closing Date. Offer Price $0.20 per Offer Share. Offer Securities the Offer Shares and the Offer Options. Offer Shares the Shares offered pursuant to the Public Offer under this Prospectus, being 30,000,000 Shares, with provision to accept over-subscriptions for a further 5,000,000 Shares. Official List the Official List of ASX. Official Quotation quotation on the Official List of ASX. Onedin the Onedin copper-zinc-gold-silver deposit that lies within the granted mining leases M80/277 and M80/276. Opening Date 10 March 2021. Oversubscriptions applications under the Public Offer over the Minimum Subscription up to the Maximum Subscription. Pb chemical symbol for lead. PGM platinum group metals. Precious Metals Rights Agreement the earn-in and joint venture agreement between the Company, AAR, AKN Sub, Koongie Park Pty Ltd and Koongie Park Gold Pty Ltd dated 8 February 2021 where AAR may establish the rights to explore for and develop gold and PGM’s across the Koongie Park Project (other than the area of the mining leases where the Sandiego and Onedin deposits are situated). Proposed Directors the persons proposed to become Directors of the Company on Completion, namely: – Dr Mark Elliott; – Peter Tighe; – Ian Hodkinson; and – Shizhou Yin. Proposed Management the persons proposed to form the management of the Company on Completion, namely: – Paul Williams; – Garry Johnston; and – Paul Marshall. Prospectus this Prospectus which is dated 9 March 2021 (including the electronic form of this Prospectus and any supplementary or replacement Prospectus in relation to this document). Public Offer or Offer the offer under this Prospectus of the Offer Shares and Offer Options. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 255