AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

15. Glossary of Defined Terms continued Re-admission Date the date on which the Company’s Equity Securities are re-admitted to Official Quotation. Regulations the Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth). Related Party Convertible Notes means the Long Term Convertible Notes that have been issued to the following parties: – the Paul Williams Super Fund; – the Peter Tighe Super Fund; – the Yang Family Trust; and the Tighe Short Term Convertible Notes. Relevant Interest has the meaning given to that term in the Corporations Act . Restricted Securities securities of the Company which are subject to escrow pursuant to the Listing Rules. Sandiego the Sandiego copper-zinc-gold-silver deposit that lies within the granted mining leases M80/277 and M80/276. Saralau Convertible Notes means the 100,000 convertible notes in the Company issued to Saralau Pty Ltd. Shareholders holders of Shares in the Company. Shares fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company. Share Registry Link Market Services Limited. Short Term Convertible Notes means the short-term convertible notes issued to various investors, the terms of which are summarised in Section 12.11. Short Term Convertible Note Shares the Shares to be issued on conversion of the Short Term Convertible Notes, subject to Shareholder approval at the General Meeting. Tighe Convertible Notes means the 150,000 convertible notes in the Company issued to the Peter Tighe Super Fund. Tighe Loan means the short term loan contemplated under the Tighe Loan Agreement. Tighe Loan Agreement means the short term loan facility agreement between the Company and the Peter Tighe Super Fund. Tighe Short Term Convertible Notes means the 100,000 short term convertible notes in the Company issued to the Peter Tighe Super Fund. Williams Convertible Loan means the loan in the amount of $75,000 advanced to the Company by the Paul Williams Super Fund and which, subject to obtaining shareholder approval, as at the date of this Prospectus is convertible to shares on the same terms as the Long Term Convertible Notes. Yang Convertible Notes means the 8,000 convertible notes in the Company issued to the Yang Family Trust. Yunnan Copper means Yunnan Copper Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. Zn chemical symbol for zinc. References in this Prospectus to Sections and paragraphs are to Sections and paragraphs of this Prospectus. References in this Prospectus to dollars ($) are to the currency of Australia unless stated otherwise. 256