AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
Your Guide to the Application Form CORRECT FORMS OF REGISTRABLE NAMES Note that ONLY legal entities are allowed to hold Shares. Applications must be in the name(s) of natural persons or companies. At least one full given name and the surname is required for each natural person. The name of the beneficiary or any other non-registrable name may be included by way of an account designation if completed exactly as described in the examples of correct forms below. Put the name(s) of any joint Applicant(s) and/or account description using < > as indicated above in designated spaces at section C on the Application Form. Please complete all relevant white sections of the Application Form in BLOCK LETTERS, using black or blue ink. These instructions are cross-referenced to each section of the form. The Shares to which this Application Form relates are AuKing Mining Limited (“AKN”) Shares. Further details about the shares are contained in the Prospectus dated 9 March 2021 including Supplementary Prospectuses dated 19 March 2021 and 23 April 2021 issued by AuKing Mining Limited. The Prospectus will expire 13 months after the date of the Prospectus. While the Prospectus is current, AuKing Mining Limited will send paper copies of the Prospectus, any supplementary document and the Application Form, free of charge on request. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission requires that a person who provides access to an electronic application form must provide access, by the same means and at the same time, to the relevant Prospectus. This Application Form is included in the Prospectus. The Prospectus contains important information about investing in the Shares. You should read the Prospectus before applying for Shares. A Insert the number of Shares you wish to apply for. The Application must be for a minimum of 10,000 Shares and thereafter in multiples of 2,000. You may be issued all of the Shares applied for or a lesser number. B Insert the relevant amount of Application Monies. To calculate your Application Monies, multiply the number of Shares applied for by the issue price. Amounts should be in Australian dollars. Please make sure the amount of your cheque or bank draft equals this amount. C Write the full name you wish to appear on the register of Shares. This must be either your own name or the name of a company. Up to three joint Applicants may register. You should refer to the table below for the correct registrable title. D Enter your Tax File Number (TFN) or exemption category. Business enterprises may alternatively quote their Australian Business Number (ABN). Where applicable, please enter the TFN or ABN for each joint Applicant. Collection of TFN(s) and ABN(s) is authorised by taxation laws. Quotation of TFN(s) and ABN(s) is not compulsory and will not affect your Application. However, if these are not provided, AuKing Mining Limited will be required to deduct tax at the highest marginal rate of tax (including the Medicare Levy) from payments. E Please enter your postal address for all correspondence. All communications to you from AuKing Mining Limited and the Share Registry will be mailed to the person(s) and address as shown. For joint Applicants, only one address can be entered. F If you are already a CHESS participant or sponsored by a CHESS participant, write your Holder Identification Number (HIN) here. If the name or address recorded on CHESS for this HIN is different to the details given on this form, your Shares will be issued to AuKing Mining Limited’s issuer sponsored subregister. G Please enter your telephone number(s), area code and contact name in case we need to contact you in relation to your Application. H Please complete the details of your cheque or bank draft in this section. The total amount of your cheque or bank draft should agree with the amount shown in section B. Make your cheque or bank draft payable to “AuKing Mining Ltd” in Australian currency and cross it “Not Negotiable”. Your cheque or bank draft must be drawn on an Australian bank. Sufficient cleared funds should be held in your account, as cheques returned unpaid are likely to result in your Application being rejected. If you receive a firm allocation of Shares from your Broker make your cheque payable to your Broker in accordance with their instructions. ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS Account Name: Novus Capital Ltd Trust Account Name of Bank: Australia and New Zealand Bank BSB: 012 013 Account Number: 306 003 095 BIC SWIFT : ANZBAU3M Ref: Applicant Name and “AuKing” LODGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS This Application Form and your cheque or bank draft must be mailed or delivered so that it is received before 5pm (Sydney time) on 21 May 2021 at: Mailing Address AuKing Mining Limited C/- Link Market Services Limited Locked Bag A14 Sydney South NSW 1235 If paying electronically, applicants should scan and email the completed Application Form to Type of Investor Correct Form of Registration Incorrect Form of Registration Individual Use given names in full, not initials Mrs Katherine Clare Edwards K C Edwards Company Use Company’s full title, not abbreviations Liz Biz Pty Ltd Liz Biz P/L or Liz Biz Co. Joint Holdings Use full and complete names Mr Peter Paul Tranche & Ms Mary Orlando Tranche Peter Paul & Mary Tranche Trusts Use the trustee(s) personal name(s) Mrs Alessandra Herbert Smith <Alessandra Smith A/C> Alessandra Smith Family Trust Deceased Estates Use the executor(s) personal name(s) Ms Sophia Garnet Post & Mr Alexander Traverse Post <Est Harold Post A/C> Estate of late Harold Post or Harold Post Deceased Minor (a person under the age of 18 years) Use the name of a responsible adult with an appropriate designation Mrs Sally Hamilton <Henry Hamilton> Master Henry Hamilton Partnerships Use the partners’ personal names Mr Frederick Samuel Smith & Mr Samuel Lawrence Smith <Fred Smith & Son A/C> Fred Smith & Son Long Names Mr Hugh Adrian John Smith-Jones Mr Hugh A J Smith Jones Clubs/Unincorporated Bodies/Business Names Use office bearer(s) personal name(s) Mr Alistair Edward Lilley <Vintage Wine Club A/C> Vintage Wine Club Superannuation Funds Use the name of the trustee of the fund XYZ Pty Ltd <Super Fund A/C> XYZ Pty Ltd Superannuation Fund PERSONAL INFORMATION COLLECTION NOTIFICATION STATEMENT Personal information about you is held on the Public register in accordance with Chapter 2C of the Corporations Act 2001. For details about Link Group’s personal information handling practices including collection, use and disclosure, how you may access and correct your personal information and raise privacy concerns, visit our website at for a copy of the Link Group condensed privacy statement, or contact us by phone on +61 1800 502 355 (free call within Australia) 9am–5pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday (excluding Public holidays) to request a copy of our complete privacy policy.
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