AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus
1. Investment Overview Topic Summary For more information What are the key benefits of investing in AKN? The key highlights of an investment in the Company (assuming the Koongie Park Earn-In proceeds) include: a. the opportunity to participate in the benefits associated with holding shares in a listed emerging resources company that will be pursuing significant growth through the development of the Koongie Park copper/zinc project; b. following the completion of the Public Offer, the Company will gain the benefit of the injection of significant funds into the Company which will enable it to undertake preliminary actions in pursuance of its new project activities; and c. the Company will be managed by directors and officers with significant experience and success across a broad range of business sectors that will hold the necessary skills and a view to guiding the Company to be a significant player in the resources sector. Section 3.3 B. Offer under the Prospectus Topic Summary For more information What is the Offer under this Prospectus? Under the Public Offer, the Company is offering to the public (including Existing Shareholders) a minimum of 30,000,000 Offer Shares at an issue price of $0.20 each to raise $6 million. Provision has been made to accept oversubscriptions of a further 5,000,000 Offer Shares to raise up to a further $1 million. In addition, free-attaching options exercisable at $0.25 on or before 30 June 2023 will be issued on the basis of one (1) option for every two (2) ordinary shares issued. The Company encourages Existing Shareholders to participate in the Public Offer and will use their best endeavours to allocate Shares to Existing Shareholders if they apply. The Directors will allocate Shares to investors and Existing Shareholders in their discretion and in a manner to meet the ASX requirements for shareholder spread. Section 2 Are there any conditions to the Public Offer? The issue of the Offer Securities under the Offer is conditional upon satisfaction or waiver of the KP Transaction Conditions. If any of the KP Transaction Conditions are not satisfied or waived (to the extent that they are able to be waived) then the Company will not proceed with the KP Transaction or issue any Offer Securities under this Prospectus and the Company will repay all Application Monies without interest in accordance with the Corporations Act . Sections 2.3 and 12.1 Why is the Public Offer being conducted and why has the Prospectus been issued? The Public Offer is being conducted to: – provide funding for expenditure on the Koongie Park Project; – meet the expenses of the Public Offer and the KP Transaction; – provide working capital; and – satisfy certain requirements for the Company to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules. Section 2.3 and 3 continued 10
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