AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

1. Investment Overview continued I. Interests and benefits held by, or payable to, related parties Topic Summary For more information What significant benefits and interests are payable to Directors (including Proposed Directors) and other persons connected with the Company or Public Offer? Key People Interest or benefit Current Directors (Dr Huaisheng Peng, Robert Yang, Paul Williams and Mr Qinghai Wang) The current holdings of the current Directors are set out in Section 10.5. The non-executive directors receive payment of non-executive remuneration and the executive directors receive payment of salaries. Subject to the Approval Resolutions being passed, the following shares will be issued to the current Directors: 1. 420,000 Shares to Dr Peng in lieu of unpaid Directors’ fees; 2. 350,000 Shares to Mr Wang in lieu of unpaid Directors’ fees; 3. 1,614,445 Shares to Mr Williams on conversion of the Williams Convertible Note and in lieu of unpaid salaries and entitlements; and 4. 688,818 Shares to Robert Yang on conversion of the Yang Convertible Notes and in lieu of unpaid salaries and entitlements. Proposed Directors (Dr Mark Elliott, Peter Tighe, Ian Hodkinson, ShiZhou Yin) The current holdings of the proposed Directors are set out in Section 10.5. Payment of non-executive remuneration and consultancy fees (as applicable). Subject to the Approval Resolutions being passed, 1. 1,000,000 Shares will be issued to the Peter Tighe Super Fund (an entity associated with Peter Tighe) on conversion of the Tighe Convertible Notes; and 2. 833,333 Shares will be issued to the Peter Tighe Super Fund (an entity associated with Peter Tighe) on conversion of the Tighe Short Term Convertible Notes. Sections 10.5 and 10.7 Section 10.5, 10.7 and 12.6 26