AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

4 to issue the Notice of Meeting to convene the General Meeting. The Company will provide an updated indicative timetable once it is in a position to make the Notice of Meeting available. 4. Consents to be named 4.1 David Williams, Competent Person As noted in the Prospectus, David Williams, by virtue of his education, experience and professional association, is considered Competent Persons, as defined in the JORC Code (2012), for sections 2.6 and 2.7 of the Independent Technical Report. Details of Mr Williams education and experience are set out on page 3 of the Prospectus. Mr Williams consents to the inclusion in this Supplementary Prospectus of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. 4.2 Accudo Metals Pty Ltd Statements in this Supplementary Prospectus have been based on information provided to the Company by Accudo Metals Pty Ltd ACN 612 323 832. Accudo Metals Pty Ltd has given its consent to the reference to such statements in this Supplementary Prospectus and to being named in this Supplementary Prospectus. Accudo Metals Pty Ltd has not withdrawn its consent as at the date of this Supplementary Prospectus. Accudo Metals Pty Ltd has not authorised or caused the issue of the Prospectus or this Supplementary Prospectus and takes no responsibility for any part of the Prospectus and Supplementary Prospectus other than references to its name and any statement included in the Prospectus or this Supplementary Prospectus with their consent. 5. Other Material Information The Directors of the Company are not aware of any acts, matters or things (not already described in the Prospectus) which may be material to the making of an informed assessment of: a) the effect of the Public Offer on the Company; or b) the rights attaching to the Offer Securities. 6. Director Consent Directors’ authorisation and consent This Supplementary Prospectus has been signed by a Director of the Company with the authority of each of the Directors and is dated 19 March 2021. Each Director has consented to lodgement of this Supplementary Prospectus with ASIC. ...........................………………………… Paul Williams Director Auking Mining Limited